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IBRAHIM MAGU REACTS TO SENATE REJECTION . "My priority is to fight corruption. My confirmation has not changed anything. We have always been on duty, I will work until the last day whether confirmation or no confirmation. . “The greatest violation against human right is crime against the society and the humanity but everybody has a duty and responsibility to fight corruption and I also has a responsibility. I assure you that we will fight to finish. . “We will never be deterred because what we are doing is trying to investigate what has gone before and protect the future of our children and our future generation. So, if we don’t work today and fight against corruption, the future is not guaranteed, the future of our children is not guaranteed. “So, we must wake up, where ever you find yourself, fight corruption. Anytime you discover that I am corrupt, expose me.” . “Those allegations can not stand the test of time because they can not be proven. You know, you can’t just raise mere allegations without giving the person opportunity to answer you. There is issue of fundamental human right and the right of fair hearing is there. . “Up till this time, DSS has not called me and I am even surprised that the same report is coming back and this time around it is signed by somebody. I doubt the genuineness of that report. But I think we need to identify those who have the interest of this country at heart.”
Thank's for reading my article IBRAHIM MAGU REACTS TO SENATE REJECTION
Created at 2017-04-21 05:49:02
Tags: ibrahim , MAGU , Reacts , REJECTION , senate , to

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